
  • Lilit Saratikyan



moderate mental retardation, play activity, game-based approach, activation of mental function, corrective-pedagogical education


The aim of the study was to explore the role of game-based approaches for developing speech in children with moderate mental retardation. More than 40 scientific journals, articles, and educational materials were analyzed in pedagogical and psychological fields to explore the advantages and challenges of using game-based approaches in the process of developing the speech of children with moderate mental retardation.

A literature review methodology was used for collecting and synthesizing the existing scientific theoretical bases of game-based approaches for developing speech of children with moderate mental retardation since this research method created a firm foundation for advancing knowledge and facilitating theory development (Webster & Watson, 2002). The use of the literature review method helped the author learn about the history and nature of the selected topic, and identify research gaps and problems, so the results of a literature review may be presented as an entire report or article  (Torracro, 2005).

The current study results have shown that the effectiveness of communication skills and speech formation and development of children with moderate mental retardation was based on the approach of gradually involving children in verbal communication through play activities. As well as the specification and elaboration of the content and tools of game activities provide such pedagogical conditions, which contributed to the expansion of children's communication field, the activation of preserved opportunities, and the demand for verbal communication.


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