
  • Zaruhi Harutyunyan
  • Vanuhi Babayan



oral-motor dysfunction, collaboration, pedagogical-psychological group, occupational therapy, participation


The study aimed to describe the characteristics of cooperation among the pedagogical-psychological group members while dealing with the issues of oral-motor dysfunction. The research was conducted using a qualitative methodology. A semi-structured interview method was used for data collection with speech therapists, psychologists and occupational therapists (in total 6 specialists) to highlight the features of group work cooperation in the process of overcoming oral-motor problems. The analysis of the research data was carried out based on the descriptive method.

The results of the research proved that during oral-motor dysfunction, the implementation of joint and mutually agreed activities, preliminary discussions of rehabilitation intervention planning and the ways of its implementation, and synchronizing the main approaches used by different professionals were important prerequisites for the cooperative work among the pedagogical-psychological group members. In addition, the desire of specialists to collaborate, the need to use complementary approaches and the planning of systematic group work discussions also determined the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process and ensured a positive result.


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