
  • B.V. Ishkhanyan University of Copenhagen Denmark


The paper discusses modern Western approaches to bilingualism and bilingual aphasia. It presents symptoms that are unique to bilingual aphasia, states the importance of considering bilingualism when working with a bilingual individual with aphasia and discusses various assessment tools. The paper focuses on Bilingual Aphasia Test, which is linguistically and culturally equivalent for many languages and serves as a unique tool for languages, which do not have standardized tests, such as in armenian.

Author Biography

B.V. Ishkhanyan, University of Copenhagen Denmark

Researcher at the Chair of Neurolingvistic University of Copenhagen Denmark.


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How to Cite

Ishkhanyan, B. (2015). BILINGUAL APHASIA. WESTERN APPROCHES . Armenian Journal of Special Education, 2(1), 53-59. Retrieved from


