
  • M. A. Grigoryan Brusov State University


The article is devoted to the preparedness of secondary school teachers to implement inclusive education for children with disabilities in regular schools. The preparedness of teachers is one of the main issues that require the development of training programs and psychological support for the participants of the inclusive process. The description includes the main professional difficulties of regular school teachers, related to emotional acceptance and knowledge of the characteristics of children with special education needs.

Author Biography

M. A. Grigoryan, Brusov State University

Researcher Education Planning and Administration Chair Yerevan Brusov state
university of languages and social sciences.


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How to Cite

Grigoryan, . M. A. (2015). PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS AS A CHALLENGE FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MANAGEMENT. Armenian Journal of Special Education, 2(1), 36-44. Retrieved from


