
  • V. Z. Deniskina Laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments
  • M.P. Lyubimova Laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments
  • A.A. Lyubimov Institute of correctional pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education


In article results of the research devoted to study of representations of blind and visually impaired school students of professions in general and about professions which they consider available for persons with visual impairments for the solution of the research was made the questionnaire and 341 pupils of 7-11 classes of schools for blind and visually impaired children are interrogated, the practical-focused conclusions are drawn.

Author Biographies

V. Z. Deniskina, Laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments

Head of laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor.

M.P. Lyubimova, Laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments

The research associate of laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments.

A.A. Lyubimov, Institute of correctional pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education

The research associate of laboratory of the contents and methods of training of children with visual impairments, Federal public budgetary scientiï¬ c institution “Institute of correctional pedagogics of the Russian Academy of Education. Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Deniskina, . V. Z., Lyubimova, . M., & Lyubimov, . A. (2015). CHARACTERISTIC OF REPRESENTATIONS OF BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS OF THE FUTURE PROFESSION. Armenian Journal of Special Education, 2(1), 193-200. Retrieved from


