AGE-related changes in level of physical readiness of 8-12 years-old young football players of various somatic types


  • M.S. Grigoryan Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture


Parameter and correlation analysis revealed the presence of a close relationship with the overall performance level coordination of preparedness and the condition of their manifeM ation in the gaming activities, which is especially important to consider for their development. Longitudinal observation during the completely playing season the level of motor readiness players 8-12 years of
various somatic types and variants of physical development demonstrated the need to incorporate indicators of dimensional variation with increasing and assessing the level of physical fitness.
It must be assumed that in this age of somatic type, the eM imated level of the dimensional variation should be the criterion of individualization of physical training.

Author Biography

M.S. Grigoryan, Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture

Lecturer at the Chair of Kinesiology, Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture.l


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How to Cite

Grigoryan, . M. (2015). AGE-related changes in level of physical readiness of 8-12 years-old young football players of various somatic types. Armenian Journal of Special Education, 2(1), 171-180. Retrieved from


