ISSN 2579-2881 (print)
ISSN 2953-7886 (online)
This scientific and methodical collection highlights the problem of special education and related areas, both in Armenia and abroad.
Dear Guests,
Welcome to the Armenian Journal of Special Education (AJSE) website. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal in English for the enhancement of research in different areas of special, inclusive education and rehabilitation. The aim of the AJSE is to give a highly readable and valuable addition to the special education literature which will contribute to the decisive reference tool for years to come. Key to our aim is a vow to enlighten international authors, readers, and reviewers to become highly qualified and skilled writers, criticizers, and users of special and inclusive education research on an international level, as well as advanced researching practices.
We are delighted to publish the First Issue of the first Volume in English, which includes different issues of international and national special, inclusive education and rehabilitation fields that are relevant for up-to-date disputes.Â
We would like to stress that Research in the field of special education has always been a priority for us and we do realize that this field requires new solutions, in particular, due to the implementation of inclusive education in schools and creating an inclusive society. Starting from 2014 the Journal Main Issues of Special Education (ISSN 1829-4294) in the Armenian language has been published in our university. Now we have decided to broader the scope and already in 2020, we come up with a new journal published in English and available printed and online for international audiences. This scientific and methodical collection highlights the problem of special education and related areas, both in Armenia and abroad.
We highly appreciate any comments, feedback, and suggestions that would help us to advance the objectives of the Journal. Always keeping in mind that education without innovative research and expansion is pointless for the community, we are keeping track to interwove universally and contribute to global knowledge as much as it is possible.Â
Chairman of the Editorial Board
ISSN 2579-2881 (print)
ISSN 2953-7886 (online)